Nau Mai, Haere Mai,
Welcome to Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School

Ngā mihi nui kia kotou katoa, 

It is an absolute privilege to welcome you to Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School that is firmly grounded on the whenua known as Te Houhou in Pāpāmoa. We opened our doors for the very first time in February 2022 with 142 kaimanawa (learners) on day one, and we have not looked back! We are a kura that is passionate about creating a responsive environment where Manawatanga is at the heart / ngākau of all that we do to enable our kaimanawa to IGNITE - NAVIGATE - THRIVE

We consider it a huge privilege and responsibility to connect, explore, harness and extend the strengths, aspirations and goals of the Pāpāmoa hapori, whānau and kaimanawa so that all of our Learning Partners thrive by the time they leave our kura. 

Whānaungatanga and relationships drive our open door philosophy and we are acutely aware that it takes a village to raise a child, which enables us to co-construct a one size fits one learning pathway for you and your child.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Ngā Manaakitanga,

Shane and the Te Manawa team

2025 Term Dates

Term 1 : 3rd - 4th Feb Manawa ki te Manawa

5th Feb First day with Kaimanawa

6th Feb Waitangi holiday

11th April Last day of term

Health & Safety