Collaboration and connections are at the heart of what we do at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa and this is visually represented by the heart that sits in the middle of our logo. This symbolism connects our people and creates the heart beat or pulse of our kura and āko hapori (learning community). We know that for each kaimanawa to thrive, it takes a village to ensure that they reach their individual and collective potential.

Te Kete Kupu

Collaborative Teaching at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School
Co teaching at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School develops professional relationships where 2 - 3 kaiako (teachers) COLLABORATE to support our kaimanawa more effectively. Kaimanawa (learners) are flexibly grouped throughout the day based on learning needs, activity, localised curriculum, work habits, levels of independence and content knowledge. This allows for multi-age learning to occur as kaimanawa's skills, abilities and goals are also used so they can direct their own learning as we have realised that the traditional method of grouping by chronological age isn’t always the best option. Kaiako MODEL supportive, parallel, complementary and team teaching techniques collaboratively as a team throughout the day which build largely on our Manawatanga (learning Values) creating our LANGUAGE of LEARNING. No kaimanawa is thought of as an individual kaiako's ' “responsibility”, but rather we work as a team to create the best learning environment for each child.
We believe that opportunities built through Multi-Age and Co-Teaching environments at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School provide the vehicle to be culturally responsive. This will allow staff, students, whanau and our community to actively engage and build relationships using the TATAIAKO and Tapasa (Cultural Competencies) documents so that not only our Maori and Pasifika students enjoy success as Maori or Pasifika, but all of our Kaimanawa through tuakana teina structures and the reciprocal philosophy of Ako.
Providing opportunities for our kaimanawa to intentionally come together as tuakana teina, mixed ability groups or based on identified needs is particularly powerful in preparing our kaimanawa to develop teamwork, creativity, communication, and leadership skills which are in demand in the twenty-first century workplace. Co-operative learning effect sizes continually trump individual or competitive strategies when looking at what makes a difference for our kaimanawa. We believe that opportunities built through Multi-Age and Co-Teaching environments at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School provide the vehicle to be culturally responsive. This will allow staff, students, whanau and our community to actively engage and build relationships using the TATAIAKO and Tapasa (Cultural Competencies) documents so that not only our Maori and Pasifika students enjoy success as Maori or Pasifika, but all of our Kaimanawa through tuakana teina structures and the reciprocal philosophy of ako.
Collaborative Learning at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School
Collaborative Parnerships
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.
Our Learning Communication
Communication | updates | assessment and reporting | absences
Hero (student management system) is our main form of communication from kaiako / kura to whānau and this communication comes through our HERO APP (notification) on your phone and through your email. HERO is set up with all new enrolments when they start their learning journey with us at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa.
Kaimanawa learning posts
Reflection tool for Manawatanga (School Learning Values).
Distance / remote learning
Celebration of learning
Community updates
Community collaborations / marketing
Self Determined Learning
"Self-determination theory suggests that children have an innate propensity toward mastery of their environment, and that the internalization of values, behaviours, and attitudes in the social surround is a spontaneous, natural process" (Ryan, 1995).
Each Āko Hapori provides a variety of provocations and invitations for our kaimanawa to engage in each day. Put simply, provocations provoke and invitations invite! They will provoke thoughts, discussions, questions, interests, creativity and ideas. Our kaimanawa develop and reflect on their Manawatanga ( Kaha, Taruna, Manaaki, Auaha, Pākiki) development skills during this time.
Self Determined Learning at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School enables our kaimanawa to developmentally drive their own passions, interests and strengths from Learning through Play; to Passion Projects; to Inquiry Learning; through to Design Thinking.
Learning through Play has been introduced to meet the developmental needs we identify in our kaimanawa- particularly oral language and social and emotional regulation.
Research also shows our kaimanawa have "urges" to; imagine, construct, roll, order, rotate, climb, build, gather, transport, role play, transform, dig and bury, investigate, envelope, and throw.
Through play, we want our kaimanawa to develop the ability to:
Think creatively
Problem solve
Self manage and regulate
Make decisions that support theirs and others learning
Follow their passions & interests
Take responsibility for their learning
Explore and try new things
Communicate thoughts and feelings effectively
Develop fine and gross motor skills
What will this look like in our Āko Hapori?
Allowing our kaimanawa to guide their own play / learning and follow their developmental urges. Therefore learning through play takes many different forms depending on the developmental stage of each student. They are the precursor to inquiry learning and can expand on a thought, project, idea and interest. Some examples of where this might lead here at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa are; passion projects, Empower Hour, Design Thinking and Community Projects or Social Actions
Teaching through play ‘...incorporates adult-scaffolded learning objectives but remains child-directed’. Weisberg et al. in a discussion about free and directed play (2013).
Kaiako at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa are responsible for setting up an environment that allows the exploration of individual interests. While one kaiako may be taking a literacy or numeracy workshop, the others will be facilitating learning through play and extending the learning when appropriate. Through effective questioning, we will encourage kaimanawa to explore, problem solve, predict, make connections and reflect. We provide choice and variety to enable kaimanawa to engage in areas of interest to them across the New Zealand Curriculum.
The skill of a kaiako in a developmental curriculum requires them to know "When to Spray" and "When to Walk Away". This simply means kaiako have a role to provoke or scaffold to support language, thinking and regulation in some situations and to step back and let our kaimanawa to lead, inquire, problem solve and reflect on their experience.
Notice - Observe the kaimanawa’s play. What are you noticing?
Recognise - Why are you recognising it? Determine the play needs. How much support is needed in the play? What are the learning needs? Where do you fit? Or do you fit?
Respond - How are you going to respond to it? How does this link to their oral language, social/emotional development or Manawatanga goals? How do we capture this growth?
Manawa ki te Manawa
Heart to heart hui
Manawa ki te Manawa (Heart to heart celebration hui) are held three times over the school year. This is a time when all learning partners can connect in a positive way to celebrate the learning that has taken place and set goals for the coming months. Kaimanawa (learners) , Kaiako (teachers) and Whānau (families) all attend together to empower our learners to thrive, supported by everyone involved in their learning journey.
We meet at school in your child’s Āko Hapori (learning community). However, there is also the option of connecting remotely via Zoom or Google meet - if you prefer this option, please let the Kaiako (teachers) know and they can send you a link for the time you have chosen.
We use the school booking system called School interviews. You can make a booking by going to this link… http://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/
You will be able to locate your child's class and choose a time. The times are in 15 - 30min slots to ensure we are able to connect with all families over two afternoons. If you require a remote session, just book your time slot as usual then email your child's teachers to let them know. They will then send you a link to connect at your chosen time. If you have trouble booking, Ange in the office can help you.
We would like to give your child the chance to take the lead in sharing their success. This can take place before or after your scheduled 15 minute hui. They will show you learning they are proud of and new things they have learnt - this is not always a finished piece of work or something that is perfectly presented - the best learning takes place in the process and in the ‘failures’ along the way so we want to celebrate the whole journey of learning. It is also a great time for you to ask questions of your child about what they have been doing and what they think they have achieved. We will have questions around the learning environment to help guide you. Please be aware that other families will also be in the room doing the same thing!
Our aim is to connect with 100% of families as this is such an important part of your child’s learning journey. We understand that it is a very busy time of the year for everyone, and our kaiako will be dedicating these specific days/ times to connect with you all. We ask that you please prioritise these hui to ensure you are able to celebrate your child’s progress/ achievement, unpack goals and have a voice in this process.
This is a celebration! We aim to ensure you get a positive update of where your child is at with their learning - academic and social (our school values - Manawatanga - drive the social aspect of learning). One of the kaiako will spend 15 - 30 minutes with you and your child, sharing what we have discovered about their strengths in learning. Then together we can set goals that we can all help your child to reach by the next time we meet - these goals should be SMART… if we all work together your child has the greatest chance of reaching their goals.
Hero is our online reporting platform where families can access information about their child - this information will be updated termly, prior to Manawa ki te Manawa, for you to see. We will be sharing further details around the information shared and how to access this in Hero, prior to Week 6. Kaiako will also step you through this information during the Manawa ki te Manawa hui.