Please let the school know before 8:30am if your child is going to be absent. This can be done via the Hero app or by contacting the school office on (07) 8994076. Please provide the school with an indication of the reason for your child’s absence where possible.
It is a pleasure to have businesses in our Pāpāmoa hapori that are community minded and see Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School as a vehicle to ensure greater outcomes and opportunities for not only our kaimanawa, but our whānau and community as a whole.
Pāpori Hapori
The Pāpori Hapori is our social community. We are a group all about growing community connections within our kura by organising fundraising and social events for our kaimanawa and whānau.
We always welcome new faces! If you are keen to join and find out more please feel free to come along to one of our monthly meetings.
In Zone Enrolments
Enrolling your child at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School involves following the steps below:
Complete online enrolment form: https://enrolments.linc-ed.com/apply/NZ/724
Provide the office with a copy of your child’s:
birth certificate or passport and visa
immunisation record from your family doctor or your Well Child Tamariki Ora Health Book
latest school report
Provide the office with completed statutory declaration form: Statutory Declaration
and sufficient proof of in zone residence (the school reserves the right to request more than one piece of evidence):
A Recent Electricity bill in the caregivers name
A Tenancy Agreement if you are renting. Please note that it must be a LEGAL Tenancy Agreement, not a written agreement between family members or friends
A rates or water account for the property with parents / caregivers names listed
Complete the enrolment meet and greet form: Meet and Greet Form
Complete the community code of conduct form: Community Code of Conduct
Meet and Greet with a member of our Senior Leadership Team. These are available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We will phone to arrange once all the above documents have been provided.
Transition visits
Any other requirements specified by the school
Out of Zone Enrolments
Our school operates an enrolment scheme and, if your residential address is outside our school zone your application will be treated as an out-of-zone application.
Each year the board will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The board will publish this information on our school Facebook page. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.
As per the enrolment scheme legislation, applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:
First Priority will be given to applicants for the special programme approved by the Secretary for Education.
Second Priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
Third Priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
Fourth Priority will be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
Fifth Priority will be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.
Sixth Priority will be given to all other applicants.
If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, Selection within the priority group will be by ballot conducted in accordance with instructions by the Secretary. Under Section 75 on the Education and training Act 2020. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot.
Applicants seeking second or third priority status may be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.
Information about the ballot process can be found at the Ministry of Education website link
Once we have received a completed application form you will be placed on our waiting list for consideration in the next advertised ballot.
The link to apply is below
The Ministry of Education has amended our zoning boundaries under the enrolment scheme under section 72 of the Education and Training Act 2020.
The Ministry of Education has identified that the network of schools in Pāpāmoa East, including Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School, is unbalanced, which may lead to some schools being overcrowded in the future, and others to experience roll decline, and has given the school board notice of this. The amendment to the enrolment scheme could affect which school a student will be entitled to enrol in, or school transport entitlements.
Note - students already enrolled at a school before a home zone is implemented or changed are entitled to stay at their current school.
We know that changing existing home zones can be challenging for current families who have younger siblings that may be impacted when they start school. Changes to the Education and Training Act in 2020 now allow us to include grandparenting clauses. This means that provided certain criteria are met, younger siblings may also be able to attend the same school as their older brother or sister who are currently enrolled.
The Board of Trustees have indicated that a grandparenting/transitional clause will be included in the amended enrolment scheme.
Please note the zone map has been updated to reflect our new zone -This can be found on the MOE Education Counts website
The enrolment zone boundary starts at the intersection of Parton Road and Tauranga Eastern Link (SH2) then travels south along Parton Road, including addresses on both sides of this road to the intersection of Parton and Bell Roads.
The boundary crosses Bell Road to capture 66 Bell Road, then proceeds east around (and including) addresses on Bell Road to the Tauranga Eastern Link (SH2) to the bridge crossing the Kaituna River.
The boundary then follows the Tauranga Eastern Link (SH2) westward to 9 Manaia Place, then proceeds north along the center of the Kohekohe Road Drainage Reserve to meet The Boulevard.
From here the boundary pivots west, and continues along the centre of The Boulevard, capturing even-numbered addresses only on The Boulevard, to the intersection with Palm Springs Boulevard.
The boundary travels northward, along the centre of Palm Springs Boulevard, including even-numbered addresses only, to the rear of 50 Palm Springs Boulevard (excluded from the zone).
The boundary travels west, behind (and excluding) addresses on Santa Maria Key, Portofina Court and Mandalay Key, to behind (and including) addresses on Ashley Place. The boundary continues around addresses on Ashley Place and travels to the intersection of Te Okuroa Drive and Ashley Place.
From the intersection of Te Okuroa Drive and Ashley Place the boundary travels west along Te Okuroa Drive to the roundabout of Parton Road, Tara Road, and Te Okuroa Drive.
From the roundabout the boundary travels south along Parton Road, capturing even-numbered addresses only, to the intersection with Tauranga Eastern Link (SH2).
Is there a minimum amount of time we need to live in zone before we can apply?
No, there is no minimum time. However, you will need to provide sufficient evidence that you are residing at an in zone address.
My spouse and I are separated and only one of us lives in the zone, are we still entitled to apply as an in zone enrolment?
This depends on where the student spends the majority of their time while the school is open for instruction. In order to satisfy the school of this you may need to supply a copy of the custody agreement or other legal documentation.
Can our son / daughter live with an aunt / cousin / family friend / grandparent etc in the school zone
No. Students can only live with their parent(s) or legal guardians.
We live in zone now but we are moving out of zone prior to starting. Are we still an in zone enrolment?
No. The requirement is that the student must be living at their in zone address on the first day of attendance.
For further information
Contact the school office on 07 8994076 or emailing office@tmop.school.nz
The address given at the time of application for enrolment must be the student’s usual and genuine place of residence. This means that if you currently live at an in-zone address, but move to an out-of-zone address before your child’s first day of attendance at the school, your child will not be entitled to enrol at the school.
A student is considered to be ‘living in the home zone’ when his/her usual place of residence, during the time school is open for instruction e.g. week days/nights during term time, is at an address within the home zone and intends to remain within the zone. The onus is on the parent to provide evidence which will enable the Principal and Board of Trustees to determine whether the given address will be the student’s usual place of residence, during the times that the school is open for instruction. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to determine whether a given in-zone address is genuine and the usual place of residence of any student.
The Ministry of Education has advised that parents should also be warned of the possible consequences of deliberately attempting to gain unfair priority in enrolment by knowingly giving a false address or making an in-zone living arrangement which they intend to be only temporary eg:
Renting in-zone on a short-term basis, then moving to an out-of-zone address
Arranging temporary board in-zone with a relative or family friend
Using the in-zone address of a relative or friend as an “address of convenience”, with no intention to live there on an on-going basis
Stating that the student’s usual place of residence is with one parent at an in-zone address, when the children actually resides mostly with the other parent out of zone
If the school learns that a student is no longer living at the in-zone address given at the time of application for enrolment and has reasonable grounds to believe that a temporary in-zone residence has been used for the purpose of unfairly gaining priority in enrolment at the school, then the Board may review the enrolment. Unless the parents can give a satisfactory explanation within 10 days, the Board may annul the enrolment. This course of action is provided for under Section 110A of the Education Act 1989
At Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa we have a compulsory school uniform, worn by all kaimanawa.
Any footwear that is suitable for running/sports is highly recommended - any colour. Please ensure you choose shoes that your child can put on independently. We take great pride in being part of Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School and our uniform helps to create and support our identity.
Health and Safety
We follow a sun safe policy and kaimanawa (learners) will be required to wear a school hat outside in Term 1 and Term 4. No non-school uniform hats please!
Hair that is touching the collar must be tied back.
No jewellery please - except for small stud earrings and taonga (jewellery of significance to the wearer).
Smart Watches / phones must be safely stored with your child's kaiako/teacher during the school day.
Our school uniform will be available for sizing, purchase and collection from the school office. Payment and ordering for this will take place via our Kindo school shop.
Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School Zone
Detailed information regarding our school zone at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa can be found on the Our Enrolment Zone page of our website.
If you are within our school zone and have a child of school age (year 0 - 6) then follow the link below to complete pre-enrolment.
Once completed, we will then make contact to invite you in for a meet and greet. During this time, we will complete any other paperwork and schedule in before school visits - we envisage a minimum of 5 visits for our year 0/1 students who are new to school.
For those students who are in year 2-6, we will discuss and schedule an appropriate number of visits to best suit the needs of your child.
We look forward to meeting with you!
Please click on the following link to complete the pre-enrolment form: https://enrolments.linc-ed.com/apply/NZ/724
We are NOT currently taking any out of zone enrolments. This will allow us to effectively respond to the rapid roll growth expected within TMOP and best meet the needs of those learners located within our school zone.
YES, we have a compulsory school uniform at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa. Uniform garments (all sizes) are available for fitting and purchase via the front desk our school during the hours of 8am - 3pm. For more information, please go the the UNIFORM tab on our school website or call into the office.
Our school hours at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa will be from 8:30am - 2:30pm. This aligns closely with the start and finish times of other schools within the Pāpāmoa area. Ako Hapori (Learning Communities) will be open from 8.10am and kaimanawa (learners) are expected to be in class ready for learning by the time the music stops at 8.30am.
A positive transition to school is extremely important to us at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa!
Once a pre-enrolment application has been completed, we will make contact to invite you infor a meet and greet. During this time, we will complete any other paperwork and schedule school visits - we envisage a minimum of 5 visits for our year 0/1 students who are new to school. For some children a larger number of visits may be appropriate - we will discuss this with you. If your child is currently attending a local ECE, one our kaiako (teachers) will visit to see them in their natural environment and to begin forming an all important positive relationship. These visits are also an important time for us as a school to enable that WE are ready for YOUR child and ensure we are ready to cater for them in every way. It is vital that every child and whānau feels confident that they are ready to start.
For those students who are in year 2-6, we will discuss and schedule an appropriate number of visits to best suit the needs of your child. For those children transitioning from another school, we will make contact with your child's previous kura (school) prior to starting at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa. This will help us to ensure we have all the appropriate information we need to give your child the best possible start.
We are aware that concerns and misconceptions exist about "Open Learning Environments" or "Open Barns" in schools these days. The fear from whānau is that there are too many students, it is too noisy and they are chaotic. The truth is, that with intentional design, clear and deliberate systems and structures - these spaces respond to and are more inclusive to a one size fits one model of learning than the traditional "single cell" classroom with one teacher and 30 students. But they must be planned for and deliberately designed to meet the needs of ALL ākonga (learners), kaiako (teachers) and whānau.
At Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School there are deliberate spaces designed within spaces for ākonga (learners) and kaiako (teachers) to use for different purposes. Alongside the design of the spaces in each learning environment, there are plenty of break out rooms that we will be able to utilise to respond and cater to the individual needs of ALL ākonga with individual spaces, collaborative spaces, presenting spaces and maker spaces.
As a collective and collaborative staff, we have, and will continue to refine our own understanding, pedagogy and practice around best use of space to meet the needs of our learners. Through collaborative professional learning, inquiry and research this will continue to evolve and become part of who we are and how we learn and teach.
Yes we have before and after school care at Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School currently located in Te Houhou āko hapori (Learning Community) at the front of our kura.
Play Time operate this from 6.30am - 8am in the mornings and 2.30pm - 6pm in the afternoon.
Phone 021 1919 222 for enquiries and bookings
School Docs
School docs are our Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School policy framework.
We can see our school policies that are reviewed by our board and brought to life by our team at Te Manawa by accessing it here:
Username: tmop | Password: tmop
Strategic Plans
"Ko te piko o te māburi, tērā te tupu ote rākau."
The way the sapling is shaped determines how the tree grows.
Our 1 year Strategic Plan can be accessed here: 1 Year Plan
Our 3 year Strategic Plan can be accessed here: 3 Year Plan
Our Annual Plan can be accessed here: Annual Plan
Annual Report
Our latest annual report can be accessed here: Annual Report
Feedback Procedure
Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa School is passionate about working alongside our learning partners, community and iwi to ensure the best outcomes for our kaimanawa and āko hapori. We have an open door policy and firmly believe no question or concern is too little to bring up, at any time. You are always welcome to pop in for for a cuppa, and make yourself at home in our staffroom or community hub.
Email: feedback@tmop.school.nz